Where's the shining star?

Day 26..‪#‎100daysofhappiness ‪#‎100happydays
While I have been on a roll of tributes on people in my life, I chanced upon a news that saddened me unknowingly, yet tremendously. This would have been fitting yesterday, with the many RIP's that sprung up on everyone's timeline attributed to the ever talented and heartwarming Robin Williams, but in my opinion, its never too late to share a word or two about true admiration.
He is not the handsome hunk you would ogle over as a film actor but he is real, and that makes him so much more loved. Everyone loved him for his comedy, and so did I, but I loved him for his ability to make me laugh and cry at the same time. A film is complete when both these emotions have been felt and in my opinion he did a fantastic job of this. He represented life as is, and what was so enduring was that every time we laughed with his quick wit, he found a way to make us love life more. His words in so many ways, helps us with each passing day..he was a true inspiration and an actor with a difference. The two quotes that have stayed with me always (in his own words)
"You will have bad times, but they will always wake you up to the stuff you were not paying attention to". 
"You're only given a little spark of madness and you must not lose it".
To a large extent he epitomizes what I believe life should be about, live, love & laugh, which is incidentally the brand identity of my new favorite channel - Romedy Now. You all might wonder, featuring such a sad turn of events in my 100 days would probably be so unfitting, but the way I look at it, its about the happy moments you pick from any loss or sadness, the learning's you get from mishaps, only to make you stronger and a better person. He was a victim of severe depression. For many it will be alarming, as you wonder such a highly acclaimed actor, with a true comic bend can also be depressed. But the truth is there are many people who smile so much and use comedy to shield their emotions. Its not a solution, but a method of dealing with emotions. Am not an expert, but I know, while this may help for a while, its not permanent.
I am not a person who usually sympathizes with suicide and such deaths. But I do understand, that even though such acts are cowardly, it is heartbreaking to acknowledge that sometimes the mind goes beyond zones of reasoning and when you reach there, pulling back really needs a strong reason. It is not as though they do not think of the people who love them but sometimes they believe that such acts will give them the true peace they have been seeking. Is it justified, not really, but does it really matter? His family will definitely feel the loss, but they will be glad that he is now free in so many ways. Like someone had rightly pointed out, how can a person make you laugh so much and yet have so much sadness in his eyes. So in my opinion, in his 63 years, he did a fantastic job and lived life in a wholesome way. So whats not to admire about him and relive his life rather than be sour about his death.
To conclude this tribute, a fitting quote would be a line from his very popular movie, Jack, “Please, don't worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting. And if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky when the stars are strung across the velvety night. And when a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day, make a wish and think of me. Make your life spectacular."

My thoughts exactly..so here's to actors who can be cherished in more ways than one.. thank you for your inspiration, it makes my 100 days worthwhile.


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