Assurances to my kids..

Day 55..‪#‎100daysofhappiness‬ ‪#‎100happydays‬.
Life is a journey and we are learning everyday...on this mother's day here are some assurances that I want to give my kids... As mums we rarely take a moment to sit back n think of what we are learning in this tiring yet fulfilling journey. Everything said here  holds true and perhaps through out my journey as a mother. I will add more lessons along the way as I enrich this journey. To every day that becomes more meaningful...
- you both are growing rather fast and I have to accept it in my mind and heart that you may want me less many times. 
- you both have your own capabilities and interests hence approaches will vary and so will expectations. 
- pursuing your passion is imperative while I expose you to options that will let your heart accept.So today on mother's day I take this moment to pen down my assurances..
- I am human and far from perfect and its ok to be that way. 
- I am responsible to protect love and raise two loving compassionate self respecting humble and wholesome individuals. While I am doing my best... I am bound to make mistakes which I am allowed to correct.
- I will have plenty of moments where I might overreact or just worry too much.. but thats onlu because I care.
- I love my kids everyday and will want to tell them that even if I dont get a reply or acknowledgement.
- I will help you in ways I believe you should be helped but if I dont sometimes its only cause I want you to be independent individuals.
- I will be honest with you and tell you things that may not ways be something you like but telling you the truth will always be more important.
- I will talk teach learn play laugh yell cry ... with you today and everuday.
- I might seem nervous or sometimes confused ... and thats only because I am learning with you..
- I am not an expert though my very favorite dialogue is mums know everything. .. but what I dont know I will learn for you and what I need to improve on I will slowly but steadily perfect.
- I will be your friend and guide but will never stop being your mother.
- I understand you will have your own thoughts ideas philosophies and choices tomorrow and that you are entitled to until then let me hold you while you dabble with your options.
- every now and then I will look for my 'me' time n vacation... its not because I love you less or am running, its only to ready my mind for our quality time together.
- you will hate me many times and that is fine cause you will see the love when the time is right.


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