Stars in my sky!

Day4.. #100happydays #100daysofhappiness
I have had to leave a few days in between...but always thrilling to pick up where I left off..
So I have been rummaging through my stuff and catch my emotional self pacing down memory lane with old photographs - the charm, the nostalgia.. its a whole different experience as even the sad tears can give you happiness... sounds strange but the reason being you remember only the ones who are truly worth it... so are they not they real heroes to have such a life - however short or long.

Many of you will recognize these two very important men in my life - my dad and brother, both passionate Cavalry men, full of life and could grasp the attention of anyone in a room - in an extremely positive enjoyable and heartfelt way. Had the rare chance of being very close to my brother -so for me he was the most fascinating. Most people feel it was a life too short for both but I feel though short it was a life well lived and am so proud of them.. 

Today I am the daughter and sister of these remarkable army officers that has given me my discipline passion character integrity respect towards not just family friends or work but to this society and the country at large. Not many have the privilege of such pan India exposure but those who have will understand this sentiment. I chose this photo of them way back before gmail, facebook, twitter or even orkut as in my heart I choose to live with them at that time, in so much simplicity where there is no technological pressure or being social was defined differently. .. don’t you agree? 


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