Journey of a lifetime - China

Day 21..#100happydays #100daysofhappiness
Some journeys stay with you for a lifetime, with that lingering thrill that seems to give you a smile just thinking of it. While many come to my mind, my most recent one with mom to China and Tibet, was actually the most different experience I had. So in happiness I am thrilled to share this poem that I had written during my trip there. It’s an ode to the most fascinating Group I had come across. Like they say, sometimes it takes a lifetime to make that impression and sometimes just a second, thankfully for me it was this journey over 18 days. So here's an ode to the most thrilling and memorable group and cheers to their passion, spirit and love for life...


We call them senior, with a few 60 plus,
It’s the defense services, an officers' bus,
Hearty laughter, with a zest for life,
Chatter chatter, not just the husband but even the wife.

Eager to learn, culture and style,
So many queries answered with a smile,
Our guides so patient, so much to tell,
Making each day go so well!

Some good food, beer to sip,
Plenty of jokes and ready to flip,
So much to walk, miles to go,
The Holiday Bash troop goes with the flow. 

Fashion fusion, this charming group,
Experiments food, be it main course or soup,
Logged in and ready to connect in a mall,
This new age senior knows it all. 

Moments of clash, moments of gloom,
Passing in a jiffy, now a happy room,
A little gossip, an easy talk,
The common background paces the walk.

Little misses are often pointed,
The missing coffee, butter, milk, water counted,
Easily pleased they appreciate more,
Loving this trip they forget the sore. 

Little history, naughty stories are told,
They love the fun in being bold,
Shopping bargains, let’s begin at 10,
Be it shirts, bags, hats, umbrellas or a pen.

The train rides always so scenic 
The snacks and cards made a fun picnic
Each journey so different from the other one
The iconic Lhasa journey was the most fun.

Did we love it, of course we did,
Sweet memories for all, seniors and kid,
A long trip to China and Tibet, but worth each day,
All planning for the next and how much to pay!

Lidder the leader, they call this man,
Our holiday expert, making our plan,
A calm smile, undeterred he stands,
Our Raju guide, for you we clap our hands


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