I propose!

Late into the night but better late than never.. dont you think? Today is the day of proposing... in this valentine week. So my take naturally will not be about getting on one's knee with a ring or some crazy gift in ones hand and waiting in anticipation. Well thats being stereotype and at this juncture of marriage with two kids who are a handful these definitions get redefined...so here goes my version of the perfect proposal..
- Propose to love... Life will not always be a bed of roses and thank god for that.. but we will together smoothen the journey and appreciate what life has to offer.
- Propose to modify romantic gestures...The small joys and romantic gestures will extend to that quiet evening walk or savoring our time doing yoga together
- Propose to have the perfect breakfast...The best meal undeniably will be the wholesome breakfast that we have arrived at as ideal after various trial and error.. and now the results are up to the mark.
- Propose to dine romantically... The most romantic dine out may be that filter coffee or tea.. each one their own (no sharing please) at the closest south indian diner with the ocassional chaat to tingle our taste buds. You will be surprised that the best conversations that take place here.
- Propose to snore... competing over snores and debating who actually snored... yes you read it right.. I snored first in the hospital and would make excuses it was the medication but now I am just in denial.
- Propose to gift..surprises are replaced by... lets go shopping n buy what you want.... its a great ploy dont you think?
-Propose to surpass tradition...surpassing tradition of family and friends giving the ceremonial hearty meals to the expecting mum before their delivery.. being the first to roll out a full koopadi made himself.. both times.
- propose to watch tv in cooperation. .. fight over the remote just vanishes as our interest in the same movies or channels has reached a common point. Now the war is with the kids...
- propose to bring up kids...Kids are our world but will drive us nuts.. but our ability to team up n agree on their upbringing makes life a smooth ride.
- propose to smile.. Our careers will drive us nuts but to be able to smile at each other on our worst days makes every moment worth it.
- propose to always see me as beautiful...To be able to love me and letting it grow with each passing day even after that life scarring sight post delivery of our bundle of joy makes me feel more beautiful.
- Propose to have memorable journeys... The memorable journey s are no longer about that luxurious spa vacation but its that quick drive even for the groceries. Top the experience with kids enjoying their time in the shopping trolley and yet smiling about it, even though the final bill is worth grouching about.
- propose to love your mom in law... watching your most favorite sight of your hubby and mother in the best n deepest conversations and not having to worry about bringing a balance to the relationship... tops it further when these chats take place even in my absence.
- propose to give space...the honest understanding to take my time and do those perfect 'me' vacations or my holidays with mum.
- propose to smile over our weakness... to smile and overlook each others weakness and look for something positive in it... in case you wondering.. to appreciate my 'not up to the mark'cooking skills and yet shower me with praise for that perfect cake. Compliment me further by taking over the kitchen n dishing out experimental delicacies. - we both have passions that may sometime seem unreasonable but the ability to smile n support just to perfect a moment.
- propose to share chores sharing home chores n kid duties giving each other our respite.
While the list may be endless I am confident that if you have even half this list... you will be thrilled.


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