Live, love & laugh!

Day 17..#100happydays #100daysofhappiness
I don’t know how many of you had this experience, but I have always surprisingly enjoyed the company of these ladies - who you might ask? Well - they are my Mums friends. There is a mix here. There is 'The Gang' from Joseph's Convent along with new friends we made over time. They are all not one group, but the women who have made a remarkable difference to mom and me. Cherishing them and their attitude has given me so many happy days. Interestingly I laugh more than I laugh anywhere else when I am with them. 

So what makes them special? Would I use words like love, friendship, simplicity, warmth, helpful, concerned etc? Perhaps, but not the fitting definition! When I think of them a lot more comes to my mind. They are the ladies who understand that life is too short to worry about little things. They have the attitude and heart to laugh and be laughed at. They can cry and laugh together and yet make the moment so special. Their jokes are like a trigger, once it snaps it’s difficult to contain the listener. While fun seems predominant, you must see their quick response to be there for each other, at a phone call or sometimes just sensing it. The smallest occasion becomes a memorable celebration with their presence and abundance of love. 

The struggle with the magic candles on grandmother's day, the yum for the tum in both my koopadi's, the baby showers, the umpteen birthday surprises that they helped me with, my engagement cake, the many lunches that I have crashed and so many more - each one has a more distinct flavor than the other. They are all superb cooks, exceptionally talented ladies and extremely loving personalities. Their love for life, love for travel, optimism towards the worst, the best listeners, the valued advisers and their acceptance of each other's differences makes them remarkable. They balance their own obligations and are so welcoming towards the families of these friends - such balance is not something everyone can. What makes the equation so brilliant is that each one is so different from the other yet they are similar - you will have one who is quiet and very sweet, one who is very proper, one would be very jovial, one would be boisterous and hearty, one would have the gift of the gab, the happy traveler, the elegant, the classy, one would be forever in love, the strong and independent and so on. Now to pinpoint who is who, would be like asking for a lot of trouble, but the good news is this combination is always a winning group, as they blend so well and stand by each other. They definitely redefine Grandmothers... if you ask me I have so much to learn from all of them...

Time has passed and everyone is probably so absorbed in so many new responsibilities in life, but in their heart they stay united. In my heart, the biggest contentment is that mamma has had them with her forever, even in our worst lows. During my great and not so great days, these ladies have been our rock and we are so privileged. 

Thank you all for making life so beautiful in so many different ways. I always wondered how I enjoyed and loved you all so much with so much ease. While you all are so lovable, its also because I grew to find my best friend in my mum so loving her friends came only naturally. I do hope, that my kids can grow to love being with me and my friends, but for that I have to always keep your attitudes in mind.


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