A family like no other!

Day 10.. #100happydays #100daysofhappiness
There is joy, laughter, tears, anger and sadness... an equation in every family, but in this one, there is madness, celebration, warmth, affection, dependence, love, tears, laughter, thrill, nostalgia, not forgetting anger and sadness. This is my maternal side of the family who has cried and laughed with us with every passing day. 

Our gatherings have words of wisdom from our uncles and aunts, abundance of jokes with even PJ's from one and all, loud laughter, flowing alcohol delicious non veg with a touch of exotic veg by the finest cooks in the family - men and women included. The ambiance of informality between generations has made bonding so strong. So don’t imagine that informality has eliminated respect, tradition and discipline. All of that exists in abundance but with our own little twist of character and warmth.

If this seems like a perfect setting, don’t be fooled, cause we have our own drama, heartaches, losses, shortcomings and grievance, which we take in our stride not forgetting that smile! Those memorable celebrations, holidays and moments of gloom always got better as we were a gang that could fill half the attendee list- so did we need other guests, not really but we were happy to welcome anyone into this madness.

Today, everyone has matured, engrossed in their own achievements or coping with some adversity, but the strength of unity never fails and we find ourselves always surrounded by this optimism that is showered on us by each and everyone in this family. So am I grateful? Definitely... cause how many of us get to cherish the love of our extended families that add to my days of happiness in many ways. Now this family has welcomed new members as well as a new generation of grand kids. So Tamara, Tanaaya, Johan, Cian, Neron, Katha, Nia, Aarna and Maya -we do hope you all can cherish and nurture this sort of happiness the way we have experienced it. While they work on that, we have to get used to the fact that they are going to be smarter kids than us and perhaps that will be a lot to digest! But we live to learn and what better way than through our kids. 


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