Almost a of mine!

We smile, we celebrate, we relive moments gone by, we cry, we laugh, we miss, we share, we wish for another chance to have him with us again... Apr 15 is my brother s birthday.... Deepak, Deepu or Nany as most of you know him but for me .. my anna. Its been 11 years but for us time stands still ... time is not a healer just gives us enough strength to embrace life with grace and dignity... and boy under the circumstances I think we did fine...
Today as I look back, I am happy the time we shared.. our relationship, our bonding had all the perfect ingredients as siblings... I fought he made peace, I cried he held me, we shared and cared, we loved and laughed, we were poles apart in our interests but always had a point of mutual comfort, we respected our boundaries yet looked out for each other, agreed to disagree sometimes but the one aspect we always agreed on was to always be mums rock..
With a marginal age difference our growing years seemed like a twin life... we grew with each other, for each other and about each other. We grew in the same patterns of life, entertaining our curiosities, shielding each other, gauging friendships in our parents and respecting boundaries to the parent child relationships.
He was a terrific son, brother, friend with the right persona for the defence services balanced by his passion for golf. He believed sleep was a waste of time so his every second was about 'live life to the fullest'. His love for the wheel and the thrill and ease with which he would clock speeds across long or short distances always had me thrilled. His magnetic personality always had him surrounded by umpteen friends, cousins. .... he was the force that mandate gatherings and reunions during his vacations in Bangalore. He was very generous and always ready to help... so much so we continue to hear from so many folks who share with us the impact he had on their lives and the difference he made...He loved kids and was a natural ice breaker while i used my charm on pets.. so was a pretty winning combination. He believed in excellence, quality and a lifestyle with brands. His love for colors not just in attire also reflected the joy with which he saw life. While stress, tension and getting worked up were my forte's, his mantra for life was calmness and staying stress free.
In this journey, while it was a short life.. it was a life well lived. He is missed more with every passing day as we ponder and imagine him as a husband, father, brother in law and the doting uncle to my daughters who fondly refer to him as mamu.
While destiny has its own choices, we have the joy of seeing so many shades of him in both my kids.
On your birthday... today as you turned 35... I am thrilled that we have so many memories that we have shared... while the journey was short atleast it was one that mattered and not like so many that lack the true bonding of brothers n sisters. So here s to a perfect brother that made life count in more ways than I can imagine... may I learn to live, love and laugh in as much purity as you did. With love...


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