To love and be loved!

We all often chase dreams, aim to surge and forget the strings that keep these relations together. Everyone gets so busy but that quick visit, the warm hug, the heartfelt hello seems to go amiss in these crazy times. 

As most of you have understood, I am a person whose life revolves around family and friends - in short around those I care. So for me marrying into this close extended family was such a perfect fit. You all have already been introduced to my paternal and maternal side, but now I am going to introduce you to my extended in-laws and cousins, hoping that's the right terminology. By relations, they are my father-in-law's brothers and sister who have in all 5 boys and 2 girls. I just joined the pack to add to the chaos and fun. So what sets these folks apart...

Imagine being welcomed into a family of so much respect, love, concern and thrill, by all of them. The uncles and aunts are the ones that have brought such deep values in all these kids. Here everyone understands each ones boundaries and respects it. They have a strong sense of being there for each other and never hesitate with that helping hand. Their generosities, spiritual connect and willingness to go out of the way to even the laborers is so admirable. I am sure they have had some expectations from me, and I may not have lived up to it as well, as being the perfect daughter-in-law to this remarkable family is sometimes beyond my capability. But they accept and are so encouraging that feeling blessed is what comes to my mind. Their adaptability towards something new, may take time, but what is creditable is that they are willing to give it a chance. How many do you know in that generation, who can take a chance on you? I am lucky I do!

When I talk about these cousins, I often find myself smiling. They are loving, respectful, caring, ready to help, understand tradition yet they are playful, have the zest for life, blend with the new, charm the old and hold the mantle of the family in pride. They have that streak of basking in the sun, plunging in the tank, fishing, rafting, yet they balance with that occasional cheers with friends, their academic bend, their passion and ambition to pursue a bright career, their awareness of trivia and know how. On one hand if they love the quick hunt, on the other they are equally passionate with the animals. They handle weapons with as much flair as they handle their cars and bikes. They had the best of both worlds' - their childhood memories in Coorg and that professional balance in the city. Today they have grown to be mature, young and charming people, whose energy and passion is so vibrant that even my kids love all the time they spend with them. Their presence during our time in Coorg is so cherished and in their absence they are terribly missed.

While these are my favorite boys, you should meet the two girls who gave me the best welcome into the family on my first day there. I could instantly connect with them, as they are 'fauji' kids too. The thrill of having the same pan India experiences, changing friends, the ease to talk to anybody, the occasional Hindi jargon and most of all their understanding of my apprehensions in a new family - made every second so memorable. They had childhood memories of my 'new husband' (as he was referred to) which gave me so much joy and a new way to understand him. Unfortunately, we had a terrible loss that is sometimes so difficult to come to terms to. But their cheer and love for life, always reminds me that we have so much to be grateful for and so much to look forward in life. 

We all have so many commitments and are so absorbed but all these people have grown to be so important to me that my 100 days will always be incomplete without acknowledging each of them. Thank you and my love to all of you always


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