View from the lens - for a better tomorrow

Day16...#100happydays #100daysofhappiness
Pavsy..or as most of you know her as Pavitra or Pavi. She has been reported about so extensively across national and international media that my two lines may just never do justice. But as I have been on this journey of my 100 happy days, my catalog is incomplete without this 'spirit of madness' that came into my life back in school in FAPS, and thankfully has been with me ever since. 

We have grown with the exact same substance that kids our age back in school had, bit of all with the willingness to work hard, her attitude to have fun, the thrill in extra curricular and so much more. She was my junior but her maturity and warmth just made our friendship so simple - it had no obligations and boundaries. May be that's why we referred to each other as the sister we never had, as friends we had plenty. Over the years she has seen me through all my happy days, my moments of gloom and bitterness, we have fought, we have cried, we have had extended silence and not seen each other for months perhaps but our equation permits that and we are able to pick up from where we left off or just move on. Speaking our heart just comes naturally and I am glad these things never change. 

It will probably be pointless describing this girl here, as the way I see it we both have 226 mutual friends of Facebook itself so those many people already know her very well. But for the others who don’t know, will be best to introduce her as a star I have seen grow with complete innocence, whose maturity and determination always kept her grounded. She has no hesitation in showing affection with anybody and can connect immediately to even the most introvert person. Her passion as a Director is commendable, she weaves love through the lens and that's what makes her messages so extraordinary and believable that the world aspires to support all causes that she embarks on. This my dear makes me so proud that your dreams and inspiration has been towards a larger goal in life and in a significant way you are able to impact and change lives. Keep that going and be this fine role model for the many girls who look up to you. 

She is in fact a global icon today in the world of film making, but her warmth, and cheer has kept her relations and friends always in hugging distance. She has many friends and that I cannot count, but she has made such an impact in everyone's life, which that I am sure about. The people in this picture are the ones I have seen who have loved and been loved by her over the years. While I could not capture the many more who have helped her evolve and grow, I do believe you do know who you are and your connection with her will always be, yours only. The people in this picture have also given me such a big reason to say thank you - for being that inspiration that she aspires to be.

We have grown so busy in our lives, grappling with time, responsibilities, attention and most of all being good people. I am so proud of you and am sure I have never told you enough. Always love and stay grounded. You have so many reasons to smile and so much to thank for the wonderful journey you have. You have your share of worries, but always feel blessed for having such a strong support system that holds you every day. I am thrilled that when I have to think of people who make a difference in my life, I can close my eyes and hold you close always. Take care and wishing you only the best, from not just me, but Daddy, Mamma, Anna, Arya, Tamara & Tanaaya. With love always Pavitra Chalam


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