Soul conversations that are cherished!

Day 18...#100daysofhappiness #100happydays
She was the reason I began this journey of 100 happy days, so you have seen her on my day 1, but in hindsight what was said then was incomplete. As I progressed I realized I had begun a journey of tributes to people in my life so this tribute is a given. 

Meet Krithika or as I call her Ki - my best friend, anchor and soul sister. Incidentally, she calls me Dee and these names (Ki and Dee) became synonymous with us. Before we knew it, all around us, everyone seemed to refer to us by these names. 

Our friendship does not go back to school days or growing up years. Ours is a friendship of 13 years since Symbiosis day 1. Its not very often that the person you share a seat with on your first day of orientation in a new city (that too with the trauma of being away from home for the first time), turns out to be your room mate and best friend. Thankfully I got lucky. 

Most of you know her, but to remind you, she is a very mature, calm and sorted person. Her temper is limited and only a few get to see it. There may be troubles or sadness, but she will do her best in not showing it. The assuring smile, extends so much warmth, she greets and loves with poise and grace. She loves kids, photography, writing, travel and cooking. She is very focused about counseling and her practice. She is passionate about life’s causes and is willing to participate in any way possible to make a difference. 

We had left home for the first time, at the same age, with same philosophies, loved to speak in English and had simple aspirations from life. We both love our writing, we love to travel, we are not blindly ambitious, we love our hobbies, we almost always have the same opinions, we trust each other’s maturity for balance, we have seen family drama and we have had losses and misses but we share and fill the void. While we are similar on many counts, we are also different. She loves her food to be colorful with plenty of veggies while I love my non-veg. She is naturally drawn to kids (even before her own), while I see animals in kids and loved them for that. She loves cats and I love dogs. She loves photographing with nature and strangers while I love posing in the photos. But any amount of difference creates no problem, as we have the same wavelength and passion for life.

Our trip to Panchagini, Akka’s wedding, visit to the stud farm, the hunt for the perfect quaint house, the cooking and washing routine (it may be obvious who did what), the excitement of welcoming the TV and never leaving its side even if it was for Doordarshan, nursing each other on those horrid days that somehow always overlapped, Graduation - were moments that will always stay with us. In retrospect, I may have too many to chart down, but the good news is everything brings a smile. Our long chats with tears and laughter, the heart filled conversations, our little secrets that made this bond only stronger. We did have disagreements but would reconcile with so much eagerness.

After college, we had jobs in different and the same city; there was marriage, kids, obligations, other responsibilities, and life’s chaos, but this friendship only grew stronger. We knew our importance and there was no compromise. Our milestones, our happiest and the saddest moments were always shared with each other around. In all our daily confusion, we know that we have each other to hold on to. Our lunches with each other are in short breaks, just enough to meet and have that soul conversation, without any interruptions. In this day and age, that is my most refreshing time, better than a spa day! She is the best and most involved mom and wife today, seamlessly pursuing her duties, balancing her families and passion, without forgetting that quick ‘hello’. I have to thank Neil and Vanya for making her life a lovely string of notes that rings with so much harmony. I love you guys - today and always!

When you are at your worst, scariest and lowest moment, and she comes without hesitation to just sit by your side, and cry with you, even when she has the happiest news to share, that’s when you know you have done something right and been gifted the most valuable friendship. I got mine with Ki, I hope you have an angel like this too!


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