The Australian connection!

Day23... #100happydays #100daysofhappiness
I have heard many people say advise should be taxed then people will not be so liberal with them.. I used to find this funny and would agree in much irritation many times as well, during different phases in my life (especially during pregnancy). But like every aspect of life, we always have an exception, and for me was the advise I would get from my buddy and confidant - Mario Jayaprabhu. Wondering why is he the exception? If you know him you will find this easy to understand. 

Mature, confidant, calm, smiles with an assurance, trusting, rock dependent, planner and was always willing to give life a chance. He cares with the deepest heart, keeps every promise made, never judges, ambitious but grounded, hardworking, never distracted and not to forget the perfect host. He is the adoring hubby and doting dad, responsible son and brother, the very thoughtful friend and my dearest buddy always. Distances don’t seem to hinder the relationships he keeps. 

We have been friends through graduation, but always seemed longer. Memories are too many but the ones that always stayed on were the rides with 'waity' to college, the fashion show with the many moods of all the 'models:), the rigorous coaching for income tax or the fun gatherings which invariably showcased my attempt to dance where I was mostly just spinning around. To the looker, it was hilarious and for me I was always in a tizzy. Most of you who know him would know the articulate and talented actor in 'Dirty Dancing' the play or the always excited and thrilled cricket player. 

While most friends moved on and got absorbed with new learning's in life Post College, I was lucky to have him by my side. He was the hand that held me through my post graduation, ensuring that my first time away from Bangalore, my home, was not heartbreaking. In a new city with new people, pressures and experiences, having your buddy at a call, email, sms or even a quick visit, made the journey so much easier. All of this, when he himself was building his own career and that makes me always grateful to him for his selflessness. After marriage, I was thrilled that someone like him got Preeti as his wife - so charming, soft and wonderful. They are my favorite couple and always blessed that our equation has that element of openness and informality. Our visit to Australia with their hospitality, the fancy eggs, the amazing sights, the peri peri chicken and so much more, made our holiday perfect and always memorable. 

So much nostalgia, that now we are in an absolutely new phase in our lives. We all are married, responsible with families, careers in different geographies, have new aspirations, but some elements will never change. I am happy that we can speak without hesitation, guide without guilt and always know that we have each other to fall back on. You guys will always be my 'dose of sanity'. With oodles of love and wishing the best always (secretly hoping that India continues to lure you and Preeti to come back and settle here again:)


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