Friday 10 May 2024

Inspire to be inspired

Some words just stay in our hearts,
With much depth as a whole or in parts. 
Words have always been a guide and friend,
Seeing life through inspiration till the very end. 

Excerpts from The Paradox of Time defines it well,
It says bigger houses, smaller families to dwell. 
Focus on more convenience but less time,
With emphasis on deep profits but shallow relationships in the rhyme. 

It further elaborates on more degrees, less sense,
With more knowledge, less judgement hence. 
It explains how we reach the moon and come back,
But don't take the time to meet the neighbour for a snack. 

How accurately these words define this world now,
It's time to pause and make corrections somehow. 
Don't we learn from experts they say,
This knowledge of Dalai Lama is true in every way. 

Another poem that speaks to my heart,
The words of Rudyard Kipling 'If' has a big part. 
It holds the character I aspire to be,
Growing as an evolved person amidst complex humanity. 

Every word by Kipling, here he has shared,
A deeper meaning that I hope my children too cared. 
To keep your calm and hold your head,
While not letting arrogance take over instead. 

Some parts of the poem dwells on need for loyalty and risks that come our way,
Nurturing emotions and staying true to oneself night and day. 
Living life with integrity in the face of adversity shows,
A fulfilled and balanced human is the way one grows. 

As you soak in every other emotion of the poem he shares,
You will see the value of your time on earth have no spares.
The words will always echo in this lifetime for sure,
A strong guide and companion to cheer.

Another strong poet championing the literary world I realise,
The iconic Maya Angelou whose words never seize to surprise. 
Every word of Phenomenal Woman and Still I rise makes me realise,
In small ways they are carved to revolutionise. 

While most of her work  showcases struggle and fighting for more,
The never give up aura pushes to even the score. 
While the power struggles are different at every generation and stage,
But determination and willingness are the hot buttons to engage. 

I do hope you see the value of every icon of our time,
Every page you see, is a  learning rhyme. 
It's our duty to find the message here,
To leave an impact as footprints in the sands of time.

Thursday 9 May 2024


In a world of my own, I am perplexed to find,
A life has been set, all fronts combined. 
Often we ponder over aches of the nation here,
Let's do more than pass an opinion and move into action gear.

Inspire and be inspired is what they say,
Been fortunate to have met some true heroes along the way. 
In small ways I seek to learn every day,
With small acts of kindness I hope and pray. 

At the southern most point of India we stood,
 Bracing for her on foot journey across India she would. 
With a mission to connect with women in every town,
Driving empowerment, independence, safety and a voice without a frown. 

A mission that was the vision of one,
But gathered wide support a reaction sure to stun. 
With a voice in her head, she chose to be,
A true changemaker for generations to see. 

Who says heroes are only with capes,
It's not Marvel or Batman changing shapes.
People around us have a unseen cape for sure,
Spot the hero and boost the champion cheer. 

Champions of causes are the ones that rise,
One step at a time, success is no surprise. 
Find that hero within you,
Change is from within and that's so true. 

You can be the one that sits on the sides,
Surely hoping someone will take the initiative in this ride. 
You can be a part of the solution to the problems here,
Rather than being the problem living in fear. 

More often issues seem large and complex to ease,
Don't let the pessimists be a tease. 
Put your mind to a cause that has your heart,
With passion and commitment, it will be a quick start. 

Water from air, electricity from the sun,
Many finds, there is a big invention that will stun.
Engaged campaigns, collaborate and join to care,
So many ways to help it's an easy share. 

Weather, women, children, health and animal joy,
Funds, helping hands, time or little acts you can employ. 
If nothing is promising, find a simple way,
A mission driven run is an easy play.

In a world is changed by your example, they say,
Not by your opinion, so act today. 
Age is not a factor to power change, we must remind,
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

The number game

The mind boggling syllabus, exhaustive and more,
The pressure is gripping, worrying to the core. 
A little under 16, life decisions to be taken,
Careers to be planned, decisions on subjects to be forsaken. 

Burning the midnight oil, words are complex for sure,
Chapters are many, there is a looming fear. 
The strong minded courage up to face the war,
The planners find study hacks much before. 

The countless submissions, projects, assignments and more,
Topics may be dated but to be tested for sure. 
Hours in a day seem to pass by quickly here,
Schedules are grappling, how do they clear. 

The competition is gripping, its definitely a worry,
Every small decimal percentage is grabbed in a hurry. 
Why did the future of the generation peg on a number,
Talent, personality, character is in deep slumber. 

Generations are tested with these rigorous markings here,
To produce a future in India or global shore. 
Opportunities are plenty and much to choose here,
But bureaucracy and corruption in India, makes it not so lucrative for sure. 

The choice of stream, confused are most,
For the career counselor, the student is toast. 
Science or commerce, taking the right step,
Humanities is a completely different mindset. 

Admissions are nail biting, an exam to test,
Previous transcripts and essays, it's another quest. 
Deadlines to decide, fees to be paid,
No chance for a backup, plans must be laid. 

Guidelines to the exam, it's a big puzzle to be seen,
With care and caution, students are keen. 
The monitoring, corrections are such a serious point,
These are school kids, it's a forgotten viewpoint. 

Exams are done, feeling liberated for sure,
Celebrations are planned, much to cheer!
Deep within, given your best,
The results are awaited to this big test. 

Date for the results seems like a tease,
The news creates chaos leaving no one at ease. 
The day is here, time to go online,
The doctrine of marks is detailed in every line.

A joyous moment for many for sure,
Several disappointed with the missing marks here. 
Curious about others marks on everyone's mind,
Hoping to be better, it's hard to remind. 

A long way to go for education to evolve I know,
When parameters are different, we hope it's a better flow. 
Just paused the pulsating stress with one,
It was an epiphany of sorts, realising my second born will face this grind and is far from done.

As I walk through life

As I walk through life I see,
To act in an instant happy and free. 
Often impulsive and far from strife,
Consequences can be happy or a heartache for life. 

As I walk through life I see,
A dream person, I hope to be.
Highs and lows the journey is a test,
It seems to take much longer to be the best. 

As I walk through life I see,
Last spoken words may not set you free. 
A sweet or kind word to a loved one you must share,
It may be the last time to show that care. 

As I walk through life I see,
There are miles to go even when the struggle  is hardly carefree. 
Our own actions will penalise and hurt,
Making impossible to possible is a worthy effort. 

As I walk through life I see,
Heroes come in shapes and sizes many,
To do what needs to be done at the right time,
Regardless of the consequences it's worth every dime.

As I walk through life I see,
The best moments with friends may not always be easy. 
Sometimes the ones you think who might pull you down,
Are the ones who will cheer you up with a reliable crown. 

As I walk through life I see,
Maturity is not measured by the years you see. 
Many birthdays comes and goes,
But the life experiences you had truly shows.

As I walk through life I see,
Looking back at memories with glee.
The wall credentials will applaud you with glory,
But stay grounded, there will always be two sides to a story. 

As I walk through life I see,
Families are weaved in the fabric of life till eternity. 
Often some friends become families along the way,
A blessed equation, you should be grateful in every way. 

As I walk through life I see,
Tears and laughter have a true pact with humanity.
Making memories is the lockstitch that weaves into the tapestry of life with care,
Hope and gratitude drizzle its charm in balanced share.

As I walk through life I see,
A journey so epic that it's worth every plea.
Much to do before I forever sleep,
Making every second count and blessings to keep.

An ode to my lifelines

Holding you in my arms many years ago,
The sentiments and joy, I can feel its echo. 
Year by year you have moulded to perfection for sure,
It's hard to express my joy and cheer. 

Now 13 & 16, two peas of the same pod,
Keepers of my heart honest to God.
Every ounce of me, grips them tight,
Letting them go is my own fight. 

Growing up we defined your way,
With values and life lessons within you to stay. 
Now at this threshold of life, be a queen,
Look forward to paving your own path as much is to be seen. 

You are not a girl now,
To be told or explained the details on how.
You are not a woman yet,
But with your wings to fly, you are set. 

We will always hold you close,
Hope to save you from harm that could pose. 
But any time you don't see us with you,
Find our strength within and that's your clue. 

We are mighty proud of the person you are,
Our kind of gem, a perfectly imperfect star. 
Every lesson you learn on your own,
Build on your character, a woman of substance to be shown. 

Don't define your capability by others' script. 
Write your own story, best to share and worst can be skipped.
An age so crazy that's for sure,
Friends will offer things  the mind is not clear. 

On every passing year, we cheer for you,
May every wish and success be yours so true. 
Make your mistakes and learn much more,
Much to learn from all around, so strengthen your core.

Be a leader, speak your mind,
Those innocent thoughts are hard to find. 
Stay grounded, hold your own plea,
Win over humanity with peace and unity. 

We are grateful to be chosen as your family too,
In every life I hope it's true. 
May you always find a reason to smile,
Through this journey of life, mile by mile.


Have you ever wondered about the time gone by,
A family we are born to gives you wings to fly. 
As we learn about the world around us,
Bitter or sweet they are always around to cheer or fuss. 

A perfectly imperfect family I have with me,
Ruffling through my fading memory of equations from heaven that can see. 
Struggling with our own choices and balance to find the calm,
Writing our own story and protecting from every harm. 

Friends have no definition for sure,
School, college, work  or home, in sadness and cheer. 
Some equations walk the path for a lifetime of hope,
Silently anchoring our journey to cope. 

Along the way as we go,
Some of our deepest bonds fail to show,
How did we hope that nothing will end,
Some friends like family don't find a way to mend. 

Wise words I have been told to cure this broken heart,
Some bonds are meant to travel only that far from the start. 
Find your joy and learn for whatever time it may be,
Be grateful for the memories that set you free. 

The forgotten friend, the distant cousin or a new neighbour has shown,
Meaningful conversations and familiarity in the unknown. 
It's sometimes the quick hello or the unknown help there,
Time can no longer define this care. 

The innocent smile from a stranger,
Victim of habit, but stranger is not always a danger. 
A chord can be touched, in a second,
Give humanity a chance to be spiritually awakened. 

The choicest brands, a larger life doesn't impress me,
Connected to the ground, reality is my key. 
Relationships hold a pedestal so high,
Every effort to stay connected is my try. 

Decades later I am blessed with people to cheer,
Seasons changed but many emotions have transpired here. 
Today I seek solace in my now,
Rather than wasting time looking for how. 

Life gets busy for you and me,
Steal a moment with your eternity. 
A quick message, coffee or call,
Don't make excuses or try to stall. 

Life is easy now for sure,
It's one click and you are connected here. 
Social media defines every connection as your friend,
How do you check all is well offline at their end. 

The smallest reaction to that big news,
Seeing the face to cheer is what I choose.
In this online universe of connected social app friends,
I choose my equations offline till my sanity ends. 

We do not know what's in store for sure,
Living in the moment is  our mantra here. 
Seize the day and make it count now,
Live it right and take a bow.

Finding magic everywhere

New places we go far and wide,
Every place has a mixed learning tide. 
Some experiences just mark a niche in the mind,
So unique and memorable that it's hard to find. 

I am a hippie tourist ready to photograph and pose,
A cheerful glee and my excitement shows. 
Often frowned and disapproved of by my family for sure,
Capturing moments is my cheer. 

Remarkable experiences across journeys were many,
Often thought worth every penny. 
The cruise passing glaciers across the expansive sea,
Or the trek to tucked away caves to find my inner me. 

The cheerful amusement parks give me a high,
Disney and other cartoons boost my wings to fly. 
The walk on the calming beaches that lift my world,
Every second connected with the sea is gold. 

The soft cool clinched fist of snow,
Ready to build the snowman with a plough. 
The deep chord of the musical show,
An applaud to every artist with a respected bow. 

A grand dinner on a bus was such,
Savored with extravagance was a delightful touch. 
Every dish burst with flavor, taste and vibrance,
Tastefully decorated our table charmed the distance. 

As we crossed the city's sights,
We were impressed with the sparkle of the lights. 
Michelin star, the food was for sure,
An experience so rare, a comfortable bus tour. 

Another calming experience we had,
Sitting by the river, a gastronomic experience we were glad. 
The surprising fountains erupted in front of us,
Swaying to the music and colored by light was a plus. 

Grateful to have such glorious finds,
Around the world there is much to calm our minds. 
I would rather have a passport full of stamps,
Instead of a house full of things to make my life damp.

For many experiences I may fly far away,
But the most memorable remains in my balcony swing sway. 
Sipping coffee with some precious family time,
Truly heartwarming in every rhyme.

War cry

The room was full of people coiled in emotion,
Each one was shaken by the trauma displayed, bursting their bubbled notion.
It was a reality no one could see,
It opened eyes as we witnessed a silent plea. 

Every photo taken in the war,
Had a different turmoil from near and far. 
There were stories of anger, rage, deception, bravery, suffering and more,
Every chord of our being was hit to the core. 

It wasn't just one war that they faced,
It was the agitation and  misery of several decades that cannot be erased. 
Countries were many, treaties were broken then,
Promises made were simply forgotten. 

It's heartbreaking to know the effect didn't stop with the war,
With harmful chemicals, generations were left with several deep scars.
While disability and mobility was missing for many,
Diseases and suffering  from within left many edgy. 

The brave soldier enters the battle field with pride,
The enemy crossfire and attack often is a dangerous ride. 
In this chaos, the locals lose lives or with injuries get caught,
A shock to the routine of the day, no one had thought. 

Like many countries, we have seen wars too,
Fighting for the country was my father, for me and you. 
His stories would often be a wonderful conversation with my friends,
Who wished that the evening never ends. 

While many countries have seen the bloodshed and tears,
In these wars, the locals' mother's and children are gripped by fears. 
The valour of so many get lost in time,
Only those who face it have a memory that never rings a sweet chime. 

The commitment of a war journalist is yet to be shown,
Unbiased and on the front, they present everything known. 
Dodging bullets or missing the mines they tread,
An unfortunate miss, and the news has a sorrowful read.

As we move along there thrives a generation here,
Who lives in a bubble of their own with much cheer. 
Hardly have they understood the turmoil of the forgotten heroes of our past,
It's imperative to give them this showcase that will last. 

Everyone has a battle of their own they fight,
Nothing is small or big in their right. 
But as we look in our own way,
Never forget the larger country has much to say. 

As we move ahead with our heads held high,
We hope conversations, understanding and unity have a macro cry. 
The globe without disparity and greed, as a whole we see,
With new strategies every country must referee.

Retirement abode

The sparkling golden waves, that lash before me,
Nature's miracle from my room I see. 
The far horizon, I yearn to find the ocean end,
It's an endless and expansive legend. 

Cuddled in my duvet, looking through the glass,
Blessed to see the sea from here not worth the pass. 
The view was priceless and rare,
But the touch of the ocean and the soft feel of the sand was my care. 

The many surfers get there early to wave,
Waiting patiently for the best tide to brave. 
Fitness enthusiasts run the beach,
While others seek fitness in dance to teach. 

Basking in the morning sun,
The radiance of this glory is no pun. 
The calm that engulfs my mind with this sight,
Water is my therapy and hope is my might. 

The orange aura that transcends to pink by sunset,
The colors are many, it's a confusing bet. 
There are flowers blooming around with cheer,
It's a magical feeling to have all year. 

By evening the beach gets busier for sure,
Adults and kids gather with much cheer. 
The vibes of local food eateries and playful glee,
The lights sparkle the mood of every tree. 

As I walked by the beach with much thought,
There was a soulful emotion that can never be bought. 
How does the water calm with such ease,
The sea speaks to me without a tease. 

Penchant for the sea when retirement knocks,
I don't yearn for mountains or green habitat stock. 
I do hope to find my solace here,
In deep slumber with the waves without fear.

Soaring the skies

In the stillness of the night skies, high up here,
The red light blinks on the flight wings so clear. 
The sky is decorated with stars so rare,
A painting in the sky etched with care. 

The night seems long and so does the journey,
Restless minds are naturally in a hurry. 
But small boosts make a memorable flight,
The weary mind is seeking a restful night. 

The flight is steered by two women with the reins they sit,
Such a treat to watch them take charge in the cockpit.
The rest of the crew were charming women too,
Makes an inspiring team far and few. 

The dim lights in the plane soothe the guests to sleep,
But disturbed by the shrieking child weep.
The silence is broken by the tantrum of a toddler kick the seat,
It's hard to get any sleep or eat.

As we eagerly wait to explore new sights,
With a schedule of our own, morning to night. 
The pilot announced a plan to descend soon,
The sound that felt like a boon. 

Through these hours, as we tried to find our calm,
The flight attendants tirelessly served with grace and charm. 
Uncomplaining they patiently answer every worry,
Without pushing back in a hurry. 

Arrived and relieved to deplane here,
For some it's back home, or some new lands explore. 
Stories will be plenty, hopes are more,
Soaring the skies with much more in store.

Zen - a true serenity

Sitting at the piano by the quaint street,
Transported by the music, from head to feet. 
The traffic, chaos and noise I find,
Still grips me with a different vibe away from the daily grind. 

I can feel the daunting steps I climbed that day,
The path that felt like it was heaven's way. 
Steep and many from the lagoon to the caves did I find,
Every step felt like a test of my mind.  

The calming waters as we found our way in the bamboo boat,
Through the cave into a lagoon, the joy was plenty in a happiness float.
Serene and peaceful it was a memory for sure,
Definitely in my mind bank so dear.

Surrounded by other boats and kayaks here,
Finding their way with much cheer. 
The teasing monkeys on the rocky facade did smile,
The loud cheer of many nationalities was worth the mile.

Inside the cave, it was like nothing I had seen,
Every step seemed mysterious with a magical sheen.
Three chambers did we cross that day,
Nature's creation is spectacular in every way. 

Every side in the cave had a formation so clear,
Figures were many, the echoes we could hear. 
The cool touch of every side felt like a film,
Enraptured and jubilant up to the brim. 

Standing up there it was the view of a lifetime,
Nothing seemed to matter worth every dime. 
The sprawling water, the boat clusters between the rocky might,
If I was an artist I would paint this sight. 

The decline from this pedestal had more sore for sure,
Our limbs would be unfelt to the core.
Every downhill I felt the somber in my heart,
Leaving behind a sacred chant. 

As we get ready to soak new sights,
This experience will stay for several days and nights. 
For some it was an eventful itinerary in a trip,
For me it was a soulful emotion with a deep grip.


The news was a frenzy, it was a chatter of unknown,
The fear was looming and anxiety had grown. 
Symptoms that confused, doctors were unclear,
Panic had struck, many a tear. 

Lockdown, masks, social distance they said,
Covid and it's variations has much been read. 
Masks have left the face for many for sure,
But stayed as a wardrobe accessory here. 

Covered or not it's no longer a shield of fear,
It's a human gap that's sadly very clear. 
A generation went online and stayed hooked there,
From offline to online, now actual friends are rare. 

When restrictions were lifted, crowds didn't care,
Losses were many, no one to spare. 
Confidence crushed, a pandemic that made a lasting memory for sure,
Businesses and marriages were tested with no cheer. 

Kids and pets born in this feared time,
Were protected in a bubble from the chaotic rhyme. 
Too much noise or crowds created a worrying scare,
Counselled endlessly to make a balanced fare. 

Four years later, reactions are mixed,
Some are still grappling from the fear that whipped.
While the new normal exists for some for sure,
Others have gone back to the carefree yester-year. 

While the adults are struggling to fight their fear,
The kids are grappling with mixed messages here. 
Every generation sees a different view of life,
So how do you compare parenting now free from strife. 

Where did the innocence disappear today,
Dealt with a true reset, time to seize the day.
We hope it may be a thing of the past, 
But with new views to life, make memories that last!

2020 - the year of uncertainty

A year that numbed and stayed on my mind,
Gripped with fear and anxiety, something I may not leave behind.
The year 2020, a milestone for many, but a new learning to me,
While I turned 40, a new normal is what we see.

A virus they say, that shook the world,
Struggling with the unknown, inside we hurled.
An unseen monster is what it was called,
It was quick to spread and hard to be stalled.

To control the spread many have seen,
Lockdown mandates is what has been.
Stay home, stay safe is a widespread plea,
It was a time for vitamins, immunity and hot tea.

With symptoms that confused while treatments were unclear,
Home or hospital was a chance of fear.
The media shrieked, shortage of beds was definitely worrying,
But for our front line workers, everyday this battle was alarming.

Lime, turmeric, honey, spices and all,
Tips and tricks are plenty hoping to stall.
Washing our hands and sanitizing our homes we put our might,
We had waged a war with the virus for which we fight.

Vulnerable and risky is what they say,
Above 60 and below 10 within homes should stay,
But the virus sees no gender, income, religion or age,
Illness and death, it's a common stage.

A sad time for many, time for tears,
Jobs were lost, business had shut in fears.
The economy hoped to come out, slow but strong,
Small steps were needed with no scope for wrong.

Digital and online had a new meaning for you and me,
Schools and classes were online is what we could see.
Hiccups were many but learning was fun,
The kids missed all their time under the sun.

No longer did we stroll and walk away,
While we made memories soaking in the park on a sunny day.
The malls were empty, the customers were rare,
Shopping online and home delivery was a new kind of fair.

A gentle cough and sneeze to scare,
We no longer would bless instead we would glare.
The gym and pool is a tease to our fitness,
Home work out and home chefs is the new mantra we witness.

Our fashion mantra saw new sparks,
Though necessary, there was variety in masks.
Group Holidays and crowded parties are memories of yesterday,
Farewell handshake, hello Namaste!

Celebrations, wishes and work meetings through a video call,
Business and communication had evolved for all.
The simple hug and pat was almost gone,
The eyes will say it all, as your smile is masked, dusk and dawn.

Now we take nothing for granted, a lesson for me and you,
All this will be our new normal; we must accept and believe it's true.
A year we hope never comes back,
As we grapple with the new normal with every hack. 

4 AM

Before the sound of the alarm I hear,
The stillness in the wee hours of the morning here. 
What began as a determined practice to run a distance for the body and mind,
Has now formed a new morning ritual leaving everything far behind. 

A few stretches here with some yoga too,
Every breath can be heard to be true. 
Often I am asked about the joy of this 'me time',
Just with myself, every morning has an unbeatable rhyme. 

As I make my way through the home in hush,
I am followed by my fur baby in a rush. 
Brewing that morning coffee tickles a chord,
The aroma and calm beats all odd. 

Strange are the ways of the break of dawn,
The mind doesn't wander where it's not supposed to be gone. 
How does the calm of the morning know my heart,
It has a different reset for a daily start. 

Will I trade this time to stay snuggled in bed,
Even on a Sunday, nothing can be said. 
It's a different version of me time here,
After the early morning kitchen wrap there is cheer. 

Most believe hobbies thrive the best before dawn,
So I string my words and ink the pages every morn.
This peace was broken with absolute scare,
Years back, I found myself helpless staring at a munching bandicoot at my doorstep grocery fare.

It had reached the 8th floor and moved in my grocery pile with ease,
But it was a fear like no other and not a tease.
Trembled by the eye contact and how fearless  it had been. 
How did something so little appear so mean. 

This visual stayed in my mind for several 4 am days,
But I chose to reset and add power to mine in many ways. 
While life dishes all shades of emotions to us I know, 
I am grateful to the learning for me to grow.


Walking on four, following like no other,
An unconditional love that makes it tougher.
The eyes that love with such devotion,
As he looks at me with no condition. 

He came to us the size of my hand,
A true blessing this fur baby is hard to understand. 
No expectations, just shadow me everywhere,
Something about him, I want to protect with care. 

The family struggles to get his undivided attention for sure,
A wave of a treat is sure to cheer. 
Snuggle and belly rubs that's for sure,
Gazes with such intent unwavering and pure. 

He is truly a baby in tow with me,
Carried in my arms or driving free.
The front seat, his visual throne to watch the city sights,
Or snore through the loud honking of the city traffic in day light.

An animal lover, I might be,
But my journey with this munchkin was a revelation to me. 
Grateful and blessed to be chosen to be his person,
Hoping I am worthy of his reason.

Many lives we hope to be his family for sure,
Hope everyone is lucky to experience something so pure. 
Blessed to have this unconditional joy before as well,
With my other paw mates, a different story to tell. 


The many apps, my device has a universe of more,
Every thought has something to care for a small chore. 
Staying connected is much wider than you can see,
It's no longer the phone conversation till eternity. 

Sharing moments, pictures, thoughts are quick for one,
Nothing is simple anymore, it could all be a pun. 
Features are plenty, platforms are many too,
I might need a tutorial to survive in this tech zoo. 

Smiling in a picture is not a norm today,
Covered faces, pouts and unrecognisable filters are the way. 
Chats and messages are filled with slang, brevity and acronyms,
A classic letter has vanished from this connected hymn. 

Faces are replaced in AI, homework is assisted online,
More room for scams, plagiarism, disappearing originals, yet all is fine. 
A coffee catch up or a meeting at the office there,
Is now more often virtually quick to share. 

A visit to the bank, saving or making payments on time,
Is a forgotten memory with banking online for every dime. 
Gone are the days when wallets held coins and cash,
Now heading out, with a phone in hand just make the dash. 

The grocery list that got us to the nearest store,
Limiting our ask to the list with may be one more. 
Today every grocery is on a click,
More than needed, reaching our doorsteps real quick. 

The much awaited shopping in the crowded streets were fun,
Is now an online market for anything under the sun. 
Film, plays, musicals so much in show,
The tickets are all here in tow. 

Food, gifts, a small paper or key,
Send it anywhere through the delivery genie. 
The gruesome visit to the doctor for an ache,
Is now an online consultation that we take.  

Information and advice an expertise of seniors, in our time,
Now a quick forward and video, every group will always chime. 
Books and pen, a student's might,
Now Google and virtual is only in sight. 

Teachers taking classes in a room,
Videos are plenty to share, doubts are all cleared  on zoom. 
Cooking in the kitchen with recipes handed down generations are lost,
Connected to global cuisines with videos by experts at no cost. 

What began as a visual treat in theatres and televisions to cheer,
Is now on every phone with a plug in the ear. 
Sitting at the table, conversations are missed,
Music, movies, memes, news are all pressed. 

Rolling of the dice, the shrilling victory in board games, much to cheer,
Family and friends it was simple for sure. 
Every game has found a place on the screen,
Chess, Ludo, pictionary, every game is seen. 

Life has become easy, that's for sure,
But for lonely humans this is no cure.
Hold on to the days of hide and seek,
Don't let humanity feel so weak.

Up in the clouds

Wooden flooring, lush green below, sitting on a yellow swing, perched on the 24th floor,
Almost touching the skies, in sync with my core. 
The green may seem unreal to you, 
But it's carefully put together by us two.
Every color, niche and decor you see,
Is a touch of our reflection with elegance and simplicity. 
Family meals, the playful furbaby, the chatting teenagers in code,
Celebrations around the fire place or working in that private abode. 

The evening coffee together or prayer time rituals has to be there,
The weekly Thursday special meal is an experimental affair! 
It's not an everyday feeling that one would know,
A cherished contentment of something hard to show. 

Every corner of this house has something of me,
Every detail has a thought that I envisioned to see. 
Battled with the experts on their rigid plan,
How will they define, what is meant for my clan. 

Today as I walk through every room, here I see,
Some beauty with many slices of our family. 
Next door here, where my mum lives, push it open,
Always welcome is my safe haven. 

Made this home after making two decades of memories in our first nest,
Every learning there taught us to cherish the best. 
A large community thrives here for sure,
Welcoming and friendly with much to cheer. 

Hard to imagine there is a hustle bustle around us here,
We are nestled in a sanctuary that is calm and clear. 
Am not sure what the future holds for us,
But I am grateful to paint this canvas and that's a plus. 

With dreams and memories that we hope to cherish,
Several decades in this home I wish.
Imperfections, madness and chaos, which is mine to care,
But these will always be my family's fare.

Did I dream for a different life here,
Not in this lifetime for sure! 
Does my contentment seem to lack ambition in your eyes,
I hold only my relationships in lows and highs. 

Time out

The adrenaline rush, the excitement was plenty I know,
Growing years I found myself daring high and low.
The bungee jumps, the thrill of parasails, deep water splash,
The roller coaster rides,  adventure climbs are always a bash. 

Decades later, with two in tow these pearls,
I call them my heartbeats, my teenage girls.   
What has changed, I am not sure,
I am more cautious as a mother can be here. 

Brave and their forever rock I will be there,
Ready to fight the world without a care! 
I may be more safe now I know,
But my madness, enthusiasm and silliness is always at the fore. 

In this journey as a parent I have seen,
I am never perfect as it has been. 
Everyday as I teach them something new,
I learn with them about life and that is true. 

Some days are just laughter, jokes and fun,
But when the 'mom in me' checks in, discipline is number one. 
Books, Google, social media has much that defines my role,
But in my journey, I want to pen my own scroll. 

I will be there with them, every moment they need me,
But I will also time out and set my mind free. 
I ride with no guilt for these imperfections you may see,
I am a human to feel that liberty.

Breaking the shackles

Life from 1 to 99 has plenty to see,
An unsettling pressure, struggling to compete. 
Born with a slightly darker skin tone,
Relatives are quick to comment in that zone. 

The student grapples with grades that matter,
To impress the school and society chatter. 
Selections and future depends on an exceptional score,
What happens to those who didn't make it to the fore. 

Comparisons are many and often one is told, 
To learn from another, forgetting their own unique mould,
We often get tangled in our own stereotypes for sure,
Not imagining that the lesser privileged may excel beyond one here. 

The construction worker will do his might to earn,
So that his child can educate and have a career inturn. 
Many personalities, some loud, aggressive and not always right,
Afraid of being judged or mocked, the unspoken do not fight. 

While some girls push boundaries with studies and work to ace,
Others get caught in the primitive mindsets that define their pace. 
Career choices are many for sure,
But limited minds can only see value in few here. 

Generations have heaped praises on the doctor, engineer, lawyer and architect now,
The radical designer, artist, journalist, global visionary are still struggling to find glory in their show. 
Marriage for most, balance is the name,
Often women take the back seat in this game. 

Many women who manage to win both worlds with grace,
Get judged about their value as mother's in this race. 
Pressure on men to feed the house in every might,
Why is it on them only and not an equal fight.

Parents today have split their roles fair,
But applauds only to the dad for his role and not mum as she handles with care. 
Marriages can be fragile and may not see the end,
But individuals are often pushed to not let it bend. 

At every stage the mind is burdened to soak the pressure with a smile,
Even though one may be breaking at every mile. 
When will we see the sight of true liberated societies that we read,
It's a tall ask that we urge with speed. 

Mental health is a serious problem today for sure,
Ask for help and get your cure. 
The society often forgets the silent soul,
Find your sanity and believe in your goal.

Looking back, smiling ahead

Floppy disk, VCR, pager, walkman are words of the past,
No one knows when they saw it last. 
The endless winding of the cassette with a pencil, 
To save the tape and hear the last musical. 

Photos had to be taken with care,
The limited film reel was a permanent scare. 
The dial up internet and the sound of struggling connections,
ICQ chat were unnamed equations. 

Music played on the walkman in tow,
Doordarshan, Ramayan was the family show. 
TV for us depended on the antenna that shifted with the wind,
While the melody of ads in our minds were pinned. 

Washing powder Nirma or Lyril soap for sure,
The two horned Onida devil or the dancing girl of Dairy Milk to cheer. 
Rasna, Gold Spot, Thums Up, Roohavza to sip,
Or be cool by being you in the Fido Dido clip. 

The scent of Old spice & Brylcream in your dad's kit,
With reminders to polish the Bata school shoes and blanco the whites for a perfect fit. 
The iconic ambassador, blue for us stood tall,
With manual rolling windows, had a memory for one and all. 

The mess of filling out fountain pens in time,
The savoured Reynolds was worth every dime. 
Camlin pencils and compass box in every bag,
With books bound in brown paper and label tag. 

Teachers taught and we had to hear them say,
No Google could save us after that day. 
Encyclopedia was our project guide,
Or newspaper cuttings on the side. 

Being cool with Phantom sweet cigarettes or a mango bite,
Poppins, hajmola, ice candy lolly or the joy ball ice cream had it's might. 
Catscradle, hopscotch, lagori, book cricket, hangman, knots and crosses had endless fun,
Not to forget flowers in books and the mystery of FLAMES was number one. 

Paper boats, paper Planes and chits were passed,
The best form of text message that could ever be asked. 
The postman had a big role to play,
Every letter, postcard, stamp collection made our day. 

Money denominations saw Re 1 and 2,
We even counted paisa 5, 10, 20 too. 
Diwali crackers with the bijli and gun,
The crawly snake that appeared was oddly fun. 

Shikari Shambu and Suppandi had us gripped,
Tinkle and Amar Chitra Katha had us flipped. 
An oddly muscular He-Man seemed to charm,
The Barbie definitely never lost its glam.
My peers of 80's and early 90's will know this forgotten past,
A memory so strong it's bound to last. 
Capturing this nostalgic tale as everything gets forgotten for sure,
So this timeline will always be remembered with cheer.