4 AM

Before the sound of the alarm I hear,
The stillness in the wee hours of the morning here. 
What began as a determined practice to run a distance for the body and mind,
Has now formed a new morning ritual leaving everything far behind. 

A few stretches here with some yoga too,
Every breath can be heard to be true. 
Often I am asked about the joy of this 'me time',
Just with myself, every morning has an unbeatable rhyme. 

As I make my way through the home in hush,
I am followed by my fur baby in a rush. 
Brewing that morning coffee tickles a chord,
The aroma and calm beats all odd. 

Strange are the ways of the break of dawn,
The mind doesn't wander where it's not supposed to be gone. 
How does the calm of the morning know my heart,
It has a different reset for a daily start. 

Will I trade this time to stay snuggled in bed,
Even on a Sunday, nothing can be said. 
It's a different version of me time here,
After the early morning kitchen wrap there is cheer. 

Most believe hobbies thrive the best before dawn,
So I string my words and ink the pages every morn.
This peace was broken with absolute scare,
Years back, I found myself helpless staring at a munching bandicoot at my doorstep grocery fare.

It had reached the 8th floor and moved in my grocery pile with ease,
But it was a fear like no other and not a tease.
Trembled by the eye contact and how fearless  it had been. 
How did something so little appear so mean. 

This visual stayed in my mind for several 4 am days,
But I chose to reset and add power to mine in many ways. 
While life dishes all shades of emotions to us I know, 
I am grateful to the learning for me to grow.


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