In a world of my own, I am perplexed to find,
A life has been set, all fronts combined.
Often we ponder over aches of the nation here,
Let's do more than pass an opinion and move into action gear.
Inspire and be inspired is what they say,
Been fortunate to have met some true heroes along the way.
In small ways I seek to learn every day,
With small acts of kindness I hope and pray.
At the southern most point of India we stood,
Bracing for her on foot journey across India she would.
With a mission to connect with women in every town,
Driving empowerment, independence, safety and a voice without a frown.
A mission that was the vision of one,
But gathered wide support a reaction sure to stun.
With a voice in her head, she chose to be,
A true changemaker for generations to see.
Who says heroes are only with capes,
It's not Marvel or Batman changing shapes.
People around us have a unseen cape for sure,
Spot the hero and boost the champion cheer.
Champions of causes are the ones that rise,
One step at a time, success is no surprise.
Find that hero within you,
Change is from within and that's so true.
You can be the one that sits on the sides,
Surely hoping someone will take the initiative in this ride.
You can be a part of the solution to the problems here,
Rather than being the problem living in fear.
More often issues seem large and complex to ease,
Don't let the pessimists be a tease.
Put your mind to a cause that has your heart,
With passion and commitment, it will be a quick start.
Water from air, electricity from the sun,
Many finds, there is a big invention that will stun.
Engaged campaigns, collaborate and join to care,
So many ways to help it's an easy share.
Weather, women, children, health and animal joy,
Funds, helping hands, time or little acts you can employ.
If nothing is promising, find a simple way,
A mission driven run is an easy play.
In a world is changed by your example, they say,
Not by your opinion, so act today.
Age is not a factor to power change, we must remind,
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
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