An ode to my lifelines
Holding you in my arms many years ago,
The sentiments and joy, I can feel its echo.
Year by year you have moulded to perfection for sure,
It's hard to express my joy and cheer.
Now 13 & 16, two peas of the same pod,
Keepers of my heart honest to God.
Every ounce of me, grips them tight,
Letting them go is my own fight.
Growing up we defined your way,
With values and life lessons within you to stay.
Now at this threshold of life, be a queen,
Look forward to paving your own path as much is to be seen.
You are not a girl now,
To be told or explained the details on how.
You are not a woman yet,
But with your wings to fly, you are set.
We will always hold you close,
Hope to save you from harm that could pose.
But any time you don't see us with you,
Find our strength within and that's your clue.
We are mighty proud of the person you are,
Our kind of gem, a perfectly imperfect star.
Every lesson you learn on your own,
Build on your character, a woman of substance to be shown.
Don't define your capability by others' script.
Write your own story, best to share and worst can be skipped.
An age so crazy that's for sure,
Friends will offer things the mind is not clear.
On every passing year, we cheer for you,
May every wish and success be yours so true.
Make your mistakes and learn much more,
Much to learn from all around, so strengthen your core.
Be a leader, speak your mind,
Those innocent thoughts are hard to find.
Stay grounded, hold your own plea,
Win over humanity with peace and unity.
We are grateful to be chosen as your family too,
In every life I hope it's true.
May you always find a reason to smile,
Through this journey of life, mile by mile.
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