
Have you ever wondered about the time gone by,
A family we are born to gives you wings to fly. 
As we learn about the world around us,
Bitter or sweet they are always around to cheer or fuss. 

A perfectly imperfect family I have with me,
Ruffling through my fading memory of equations from heaven that can see. 
Struggling with our own choices and balance to find the calm,
Writing our own story and protecting from every harm. 

Friends have no definition for sure,
School, college, work  or home, in sadness and cheer. 
Some equations walk the path for a lifetime of hope,
Silently anchoring our journey to cope. 

Along the way as we go,
Some of our deepest bonds fail to show,
How did we hope that nothing will end,
Some friends like family don't find a way to mend. 

Wise words I have been told to cure this broken heart,
Some bonds are meant to travel only that far from the start. 
Find your joy and learn for whatever time it may be,
Be grateful for the memories that set you free. 

The forgotten friend, the distant cousin or a new neighbour has shown,
Meaningful conversations and familiarity in the unknown. 
It's sometimes the quick hello or the unknown help there,
Time can no longer define this care. 

The innocent smile from a stranger,
Victim of habit, but stranger is not always a danger. 
A chord can be touched, in a second,
Give humanity a chance to be spiritually awakened. 

The choicest brands, a larger life doesn't impress me,
Connected to the ground, reality is my key. 
Relationships hold a pedestal so high,
Every effort to stay connected is my try. 

Decades later I am blessed with people to cheer,
Seasons changed but many emotions have transpired here. 
Today I seek solace in my now,
Rather than wasting time looking for how. 

Life gets busy for you and me,
Steal a moment with your eternity. 
A quick message, coffee or call,
Don't make excuses or try to stall. 

Life is easy now for sure,
It's one click and you are connected here. 
Social media defines every connection as your friend,
How do you check all is well offline at their end. 

The smallest reaction to that big news,
Seeing the face to cheer is what I choose.
In this online universe of connected social app friends,
I choose my equations offline till my sanity ends. 

We do not know what's in store for sure,
Living in the moment is  our mantra here. 
Seize the day and make it count now,
Live it right and take a bow.


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