Traditions that bind families!

Day 67.. ‪#‎100happydays‬ ‪#‎100daysofhappiness‬
We laughed, cried and grew nostalgic .. all in the memory of my grandparents who would have been 100 & 96 years in 2015. On this day.. their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren came together praying, eating, drinking and sharing stories that mattered most only to those who were there. Some of the family could not be there due to limits of distance, circumstances and so much more but in heart we felt like childhood had returned. Its a day when we embrace and support each other and let go off misunderstandings, anger and sorrows that often divide families.
We love it that traditions are kept alive and new generations are a part of it. We cherish the moments we share and value each one more with every passing day. We are thrilled that our kids are part of such a heritage where families and bonding are integral to their existence. I am privileged that my kids values will always have a reflection of the greater learning's from our parents, cause in our generation of attempted modern outlook we will always have a missing leaf in our parenting value system.
So here's to many more moments of madness, joy, learning's and nostalgia.


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