Power of girls in my heart

Tanaaya - All of 5 ..yet she is still our baby!

Clear to speak as is her thoughts, open direct responses, loves with all her heart, quick to decide, bold with dance, singing and some drama, asks questions that has us perplexed and happy to share especially with Tamara. She is confident and caring, evaluates every situation and will not accept everyone blindly. Her energy, games and ideas in role play balance between what both boys and girls would like, so her friends are a fun mixed group. She can be a leader and follower all in a passing moment. She is cautious and will not get excited by activities with tremendous adventure. She is unlike a lot of 5 year old's! Her humor is amusing to anyone in the room. A bundle of energy in familiar surrounding and a calm, gentle quiet child in a formal scenario - she is both sides of a coin!
She is our New Year blessing since 2011 and continues to sparkle in our home! Our New Year's cant get more festive, I hope yours is too!

Tamara - my growing pride

She is the reason I was privileged with the title of motherhood. Its been 8 years and such a memorable journey.  She is all I hoped for.. though has grown faster than I wanted.
Tamara.. our first princess turns 8. In so many ways she teaches me and keeps me real. I tend to be protective with her as her softness can often be misunderstood. A curt remark at her or anyone she cares about and tears are bound to flow...While I worry at times, I am happy she will remain real, true and hearty in every relationship. She is sensitive but life will make this her biggest strength. She knows the meaning of bonds and loves with all her heart. She knows diplomacy.
She races with passion in sport and dance. She has her reservations and is conservative in some facets.... an area I am often confused about. She has her own sense of fashion.. probably not everything i agree with but i respect her choice as an individual even if she is young... she is entitled to her views and opinions. She has seen me at my worst but does everything to keep my best. She holds in assurance and with meaning. She grows in mind and body with  the purity and innocence that I hope to always nurture.
She is a protective daughter, loving grand daughter and a doting sister. She blends with ease with older kids and a responsible playmate to younger ones. With her mind ready to explore new games... age is of no consequence in the company of kids. Books have not really lured her yet...but dance and music has her heart beating. She writes with warmth and beauty. She is impressionable but also adaptable. She grows gracefully and always reminds me of how miracles happen. She has had the maximum injuries but I love the strength she builds with each fall. She is patient and loves to be treated with patience. She sees my eyes and knows if my heart smiles. She has a ready hand yearning to help.
Today on her birthday... I am beaming with pride about a daughter who teaches me everyday. I do hope I can always be her mother and friend walking by her side, even as she may opt for the road less travelled too. I hope she always has the strength to be beautiful at heart and the passion to fearlessly follow her dreams.


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