
Bosses, clients, associates, peers – the professional saga!
Popularly known as the pillars dominating our professional aura defining our journey from being employed to independent consulting, I am thrilled to always seek inspiration from real life leaders whom I had the privilege to work with. While some were bosses, mentors, associates and peers, it has been exhilarating to always be reminded of facets that are enriching to build my passion for PR and writing. It’s a fascinating journey where you can love them, hate them or possibly tolerate them. Attributing my sanity, there are chances I have experienced all three emotions at various points of my career towards these people, but essentially, I have been fortunate to build and establish inspiring relationships with each of them. I have worked directly or indirectly with them and it has been an impressionable stint, encouraging me to dedicate this tribute to these individuals who never cease to amaze me.
As mentors, I have seen the level of patience, insights and clarity with which they ensure knowledge sharing is at par. As bosses, the choice of leadership definitely varies from authoritarian to being a buddy, but each ones effectiveness and productivity is not compromised. They teach yet they inculcate independence, they praise and take you to task all in the same breath, they show the power of unity and responsibility while balancing it at times with lack of reason-ability. They will share the funniest jokes but will also be angered within a second. They may not always remember work life balance and sometimes have the most unreasonable deadlines, but they teach you to challenge yourself and create new benchmarks. As associates and peers, they will be ready to give you that healthy competition, be dependable and perhaps join you in boss bashing sessions that often take place after a grilling day. As clients, we get to see them work from new perspectives, negotiate on financials and deadlines and raise the bar of efficiency to a different level. Working with global counterparts, makes me appreciate all folks of Indian origin a lot more.
As much as I have loved all my moments with each of them, I have not just learnt, performed, ideated, created, shared and rejoiced but also cried, angered and been disappointed at some moments. I believe we learn every day and hence I am assured that I remain human when I experience all the emotions in varied balances. Without individual characterization, I am able to write with such liberty. But given their entire exceptional outlook to perfection and eye for detail, it makes my post all the more challenging.
So for me, this journey has been about living and loving my words while tuning it to perfection. It has been about realizing the power of human interaction and clear and concise communication. It has been about seeing the finer points without missing the larger picture. It has been about strategies that matter with goals that can be defined. It has been about testing my limits and when necessary to accept defeat and move on to aspire for greater things.
As professionally exceptional as they are, beyond the routine, they are dog lovers that challenge a cause, proud fathers and grandfathers with the simplest gestures, accomplished mothers and home makers with a passion to travel or enthusiasts pursuing their hobbies with utmost passion. They thrive on memories and sentiments as much as I do.
So through this tribute I want to thank each of you for giving me an outlook of maturity and inspiration. Directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, you all have been the reason for my passion for this industry. For reasons known to me, I may never be able to pursue PR in all its glory, but my journey has been fulfilling due to all your contributions. With teacher’s day round the corner, I am compelled to bring this out in my 100 days for being ‘teachers that inspire me everyday’.
Ps: Photos used have been taken from facebook due to unavailability of photographs at my end!


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