The grandest relationship!

There is a reason this is the grandest relationship - grandparents and grand kids. Two days have gone by but writing this in my 100 days seemed so imperative. Am not sure about how and why it happens but perhaps this is inexplicable for me at this stage of life.
For me this relationship has been a bit distant since I didn't have such strong bonds with my grandparents. So when I became a mother, I was sure the biggest gift my kids will get will be there lifetime bond with their grandparents. As I continue to learn every day, I am thrilled that to unravel the beauty of this bond through my kids. I have learnt that this bond honestly epitomizes magical, unconditional love. Its the one relationship that understands the value of time and patience, and ensures its available in abundance. Here generosity is not measured monetarily but instead with quality time, simple gestures, sprinkle of madness and a lifetime of memories.
Grandparents are the link to everything that is normal yet exceptional, grounded yet pride. Before all the technology overload, relationships were about care, face to face conversations, lineages that could continue with generations, that is most often passed on with these 'grand' relationships.
The beauty in the bond is the madness, innocence and joy that guides this relationship. The overdose of affection often has the kids basking in spoils and glory, but this purity makes it hard to dampen any of it. While the stories, songs and drama is a daily affair, the balance is seen in the small gestures, rounds of discipline which are often cushioned and handled with such care, an area my parenting skill needs further perfection.
Am thrilled that the kids get the 'grandness of parents' to look upto and grow with such rounded dignity. I have seen them understand values, family bonds, respect and honest love in this relationship. The great news is they do this in all their innocence without being judged, or hurried up to grow in perfection and become little adults, which we parents often get lost in. In this journey I do miss that my kids never got to meet my dad, but they seem to get to know a lot of him and that makes me proud. So while I continue to celebrate grandparents day, here's wishing all grandparents a great year ahead. May we grow to be the 'perfect grandparents' as you all have been.
So here's to the people who showed me this grandness Nimmi Belliappa(Naanu), Meena Appaiah (Thai) and Nanda Appaiah (Thatha) you all have given Tamara and Tanaaya the best relationships and idols. Thank you for being you!


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