Friendship Day sprints!

A day late, but wishing cheerfully for friendship definitely does not have a timeline. So here come my two bits on friendships that have been such an important part of my life. So why dedicate one day to friendship when it is an almost ongoing journey.
The first time I ran and shared with you, it was a joyous moment for me to discover that my legs seemed to have made significant progress in the healing journey. But this time my 5k run had a different rush. It was about speed, pace, thrill and most of all a clear head. Today on friendship day I was thrilled to make a new friend – with running! It’s no longer an ardent effort, but the joy of being with oneself, with your heart racing and your mind giving you all the clarity you need. In such runs, inspirations are many and limit is endless. So with small steps and a gradual pace, I do plan to go a longer distance, but at a time when my heart says – let’s go! It gets even better when the people you love and care about with all your heart are right there cheering for you in excitement like as though you have completed a full marathon. Thanks a bunch for waking up in the wee hours of the morning to just be there to see me.
With every new friend made, there are always the old friends to inspire. I have had the privilege of making some really fantastic friends over the last 3 decades and I am honored to say that most of them have been in my life in some way or the other, during my most happy and trying times. We have laughed, cared, shared, cheered and fought even, but we have grown with each other, shared and encouraged our own passions. On this friendship day, here’s wishing each of you with oodles of laughter, madness and the heart to care. May we always have the time to lean on and find the love to heal away our sorrows! The way I have found a friend in my new found passion of running, may you find your activity of oneness. So here’s to what I believe true friendship is about – live- love-laugh always!
Ps: Appu & Adi sorry put other snaps here..but here's my thank you for being my sweetest charms everyday!


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