Inspire to be inspired
Some words just stay in our hearts, With much depth as a whole or in parts. Words have always been a guide and friend, Seeing life through inspiration till the very end. Excerpts from The Paradox of Time defines it well, It says bigger houses, smaller families to dwell. Focus on more convenience but less time, With emphasis on deep profits but shallow relationships in the rhyme. It further elaborates on more degrees, less sense, With more knowledge, less judgement hence. It explains how we reach the moon and come back, But don't take the time to meet the neighbour for a snack. How accurately these words define this world now, It's time to pause and make corrections somehow. Don't we learn from experts they say, This knowledge of Dalai Lama is true in every way. Another poem that speaks to my heart, The words of Rudyard Kipling 'If' has a big part. It holds the character I aspire to be, Growing as an evolved person amidst complex huma...