Young at heart

Years of experience is what they say,

Many stories in this lifetime from black to grey!

Learnings are many that’s for sure,

With patience and joy they share with cheer. 

Every year of their life has shaped homes with care,

Raising men and women with values, integrity and flare!

A prayer of gratitude for every guidance we get,

Inch by inch we are moulded as a perfect set.  

Things may not be found, because it’s kept so safe, 

Need not worry; it’s probably not worth the chafe. 

With peace they hope to hear, 

There may be a struggle, but sense love for sure. 

The grey hair and the wrinkles of the skin,

Not a pattern in everyone, some age like gin.

The mind and body has much might in some, 

An inspiration to many, for generations to come. 

The mind sometimes might forget a name,

But every effort for sharpened skills in Sudoku or any number game. 

Emotion and a soft heart can be a worry,

Sometimes confuses, what might offend in a hurry. 

The pace has slowed but the heart keeps speed,

The mind is active and has much to heed. 

 The eyes have doubled from two to four,

Fancy frames are on, never miss a chore. 

Hands on, with every area that might seem,

Wanting to be independent that’s the only dream. 

House work, the banking jobs and utility demands are there, 

Behind the wheel, driving to social gatherings with care. 

A generation that has evolved with new fads,

With decade’s offline, now dabble with mobiles and I-pads. 

The journey from offline to online needed some time,

But learning was quick, even shopping is worth the dime. 

Competing with younger folks, they don’t like the term old, 

Every story maybe on repeat, but feels like gold! 

Young at heart at every area you will find, 

But availing the senior benefits they will not mind. 

A retired life, is what they have for some,

Travel the world, much is yet to come. 

The talented hobbyists or the green finger champs,

Create beauty with the simplest stamps. 

The generation pegs on conversations and time, 

Doting on kids is another rhyme. 

Teenagers find it a hard connect to care,

The chats are changing, it’s a brief fare. 

Parenting has changed and so have the ways of life, 

Debates can be endless but is not worth the strife. 

Opinions will vary, they often hope for their own clone,

Sometimes forgetting, their little one, now grown, has a mind of their own.    

Age is just a number is what they say,

But surely they are the life of any party, during the day. 

Lived life on a philosophy of their own, 

With grace and charm, they have grown. 

As my days number, I often ponder and find,

In my early 40’s but can be further behind. 

I have much to learn from the silver surfers here,

There should be a life charter, on how to age with cheer. 


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