Beyond the celebration - marriage

Blessings, flowers, tradition and fun,

Say cheers, come on everyone,

A bond to cheer and treasure for life,

Hurrah, Hurrah, it's time to be man & wife!

The traditional arranged or the challenged love marriage can be,

Both are tricky with much to learn and see. 

The big celebration, the wedding day feels like a dream, 

But living together, with both strengths and faults is a different scheme. 

There is beauty, love and charm,

This companionship can be your calm,

Trust, love, joy and dependability,

Be each other’s pillar till infinity,

It's definitely not a bed of roses,

Neither is it just romantic holidays and poses. 

The challenge is real and so is the heartbreak,

The compromise and adjustment has much in stake. 

The balance is an adventure of its own,

Extended families and relatives, it's a confusing zone. 

But every equation won over with love and care,

Will reward a lifetime of emotional wealth, forever rare. 

Some fights may keep each other apart,

And wonder who should make the start,

Stash the ego, make the first move,

A simple apology and both are back in the groove.

We love our freedom; we love our free heart,

But draw a line, right from the start,

Share those dreams, make memorable days,

Family before self is the mantra always.

Life gets busy as time flies away,

Cherish moments and recreate magic every day,

Share the light, watch the stars,

Simple hand holding and believe in magic powers.


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