The family holiday

Day 98...#100daysofhappiness #100happydays Travel, photographs, writing are my strong de-stress weapons. Sitting on my computer, I travel the world and often find new itineraries that give me wings any time. So vacations means - holiday time! Everyone said, so did Facebook stories - going with kids - Hong Kong is the place! Photographs do tell stories, but is it always the real picture! Quoting an Asian proverb, "Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times". So the destination was finalized! Come summer, travel plans had to be etched, and in my mind, I knew that before I embark my kids on an India travel experience for the next 5 years, I wanted them to experience the Disneyland for young ones that we had heard so much about. As much as it meant to be a story for them to explore, I was more keen on visiting a dream that I had grown up with... taking that iconic picture with Mickey Mouse! The ease of access and proximity to a country in Asia i...