Marriage is for me!

Long post alert... anniversary special smile emoticon for Arya Ganapathy
My post today feels completely mushy, as I type, since am writing about my 9 year love affair with the man who was arranged to meet me and the very same moment, we both didn’t seem to need another meet to say yes! Before your mind travels far and wide, I am referring to my husband, friend and my Mr. Perfect – Arya. Romantic terminology is love at first sight but for me it’s sharing that perfect moment built to last a lifetime. Am not sure what he liked about me but imagine meeting someone so calm and assuring not just in behavior but even his glance, that you feel so assured from the word go. For someone like me who dabbles with excitement and irritation all at the same time, this sort of calm was much needed. His panache is in his combination of understated simplicity and a unique style.
Today, he is a loving husband, doting father, a good son and son in law, supportive brother and a caring friend, as he shuffles between being an entrepreneur, agriculturist and my very favorite family man!
Like most marriages, we can honestly say, it’s not been a fairy tale but the adventure has been better than a fairy tale. Over the years, we have grown with each other, respected, understood, trusted, loved, cared and embraced new responsibilities in our own way. Changes did scare us, but we knew that as we grappled we would perfect it too, as long as we were doing it together. We had our moments of madness and crazy irritations but nothing big enough to scare us. We have seen the best and worst in life in a short span, but we could get past it knowing that life is a mixed bag – so when we laughed, cried, smiled or screamed, we did it because we cared enough to be true to each other. We learnt about new cultures, passion and horizons, as we explored various countries, in ways that meant to be mutually rewarding. We are a couple but we are also individuals. We have our own interests, which we encourage and believe it is crucial for personal growth. We know boundaries exist as long as respect is the underlying sentiment. We have our own shortcomings, but nothing that cannot be overlooked. We have our own joys and obstacles as parents, but the journey is nothing short of magical.
I have made assurances as a mother and today as a wife, here are my thoughts:
- I am your wife, best friend and soul mate, in this life and hopefully every life!
- I love the family we have raised together and believe that the responsibility of these bonds will always be in our ability to respect each other
- I am human so I will make mistakes or over react but my apology will always be timely and heartfelt.
- I am glad we let each other know every day that we love one another and may we continue this assurance, no matter how busy our days get.
- I will always be here with a patient ear to hear your sorrows and a shoulder to rest whenever you need me.
- In your most troubled moments or matters of utter confusion, I will offer my perspective, which you may or may not like. Taking it or leaving it is up to you, but being honest is my prerogative and being two individuals with sometimes differing view points is the mantra to a perfect marriage.
- I may seem sorted most of the time, but if I am restless and stressed, please know that other forces in the universe also play up sometimes.
- I am a mother to our lovely daughters, but will always be your wife first; cause without that even perfect parenting won’t make sense. Healthy relationships set the foundation for how they form bonds when they grow older.
- We have so many lovely memories of the years gone by and challenges that have made us stronger. While optimism is great, we can tread with care and caution.
- The kitchen is not my favorite place and you have understood that so well. Having said that, I aspire to perfect at least one cuisine that will bring joy to both of us.
- We may disagree on many counts when it comes to the kids, but we are always one team.
- Our careers can either make or break us. Let us both take steps to come midway and embrace each other’s aspirations.
- Money will always be a battleground, in most marriages. May we always see that life is built with blessings and love and not with the balance in our banks’.
- May we always be in a position to make a difference in each other’s life and the lives of the ones we care about – in the smallest ways but we should make it count.
- Feedback is something so difficult to take, but may I always have the strength and humility to accept it gracefully.
- We both deserve our private holidays without our kids and for that no one can ring the guilt bell on us, because happy adults make happy kids!
- I want to grow old with you knowing that we both do our best to always live our lives like there is no tomorrow (except for investing for kids). We will never be too old for that thrill, excitement, surprise, celebration and dreams fulfillment.
Time has passed, kids are growing and so are my hips, but thankfully there is always more to love!
So today on our 9th anniversary, here’s a big thank you for gifting me this bond of marriage that I can believe in with all my heart. Much love always!


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