Everyday is Dadda's day!

The balloons are up – blue and white, the cards are ready with our art that perhaps only we may understand, the gifts are here for you that we carefully picked up, so now would be the time to say HAPPY DADDA’s DAY and hope you liked our surprise for you!
On Father’s Day it’s a great time for us to write to you Dadda. We are small but we know the importance of ‘being a family’. We love with all our heart and at most times without any conditions (the odd exception would be when we are likely to get some gift, so that would be a bonus). We are happy to love and be loved. We are thrilled to bits for the time we get with you. We are lucky to have you with us for our day to day chores, as each activity there is always something to learn, while you so patiently explain the smallest wonders of life. We do not judge people, we just live by the moment. We speak our minds and rarely worry about consequences. We have realized money is important but don’t really know how much money is important. We eat all the healthy food you tell us to, but the odd junk food is our passion which we know will be a rare treat. We wait for you to rescue us from Mamma’s fury now and then. We are learning the importance of keeping our rooms clean, but often forget. We love the fact that you become a child and play with us, without any inhibitions and care. The games are so much fun that we enjoy the madness though may cry if it challenges our strength.
As we are growing, we are bound to fall and cry, but with each fall we only learn and grow stronger. We know you worry if we are hurt, but these little hurts will make us better people. The odd stubbornness and desire to act beyond the routine just happens unknowingly. We cry when we are sad and do get angry just like big people, because we are humans too (though parents are always surprised that this emotion can exist in us). We might seem ungrateful most of the time, not because we understand what it means, but because it just seems like the right reaction for this age group. As daughter’s we will always be our Dadda’s darlings. We are learning today and everyday and we are glad that we have your footsteps to follow. We know that you will always hold our hands and guide us. You work hard to provide for us and ensure we do not over indulge at any time. We make plenty of mistakes, but most often we gather only half of what is being scolded to us. We have explained this to mum but we are sure she forgets. Our world will always be Dadda, Mamma, Naanu, Kukku Thatha, Thai and Boji, with of course we both at the center of it.

Our steps are getting bigger and our height taller. We seem heavier to lift though sharper in mind. We have our tricks and test you often. Every stride you take is sometimes too big for us to pace hand in hand but we look forward to taking many smaller steps just to be by your side. But we love more than you can imagine and that does not change with time. Holding us close.. you smile with pride. We are two sides of the same coin and we are glad that coin is yours. We love how we play, laugh and have fun with you. We know we can fuss and look forward to every meal prepped to be special by you. The news filled baths, mind numbing massages, yoga all seem to be a ritual of our own. We laugh and cry, with you to hold us. We fall and rise with your finger to hold. Our equation has a little bit of everything and thats what makes it perfect!

On this day, we want to tell you we love you Dadda, now and always. Happy Father's Day!


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