More bubbles for you and me - Welcome 2016!

The last I wrote was on Children’s day and realized my Christmas fiesta had landed me in such an extended silence. While I continue to soak in my 20 point philosophy related to my kids from my earlier post, here is something for you to ponder over, as we say goodbye to 2015 and hello 2016!
The year that went by was like a simple act of blowing bubbles. The joy in seeing, a bubble fly high is hard to describe, even for someone like me in my mid 30’s, where innocent pleasures are hardly bound by age. As you blow, each bubble will vary in size just like our dreams, achievements and sadness. You want it to go higher, but at some point it stops and just bursts. Do we cry over a burst bubble? Then why brood over what has gone past us? Just like these bubbles, our dreams and aspirations would have been many but not necessary all will come true and remain long lasting. They will fly around, while we try our might to catch them. When they settle at a point, we can either take it gently or let it splash on our eye lashes. While they are around, soak in the glory and live with the present. Tomorrow we will have new bubbles to blow! Sometimes, a bubble may not form at all, but do we stop trying?
So for me, 2015 has been a mixed bag, with so many reasons to cheer, cherish and believe with all my new learning’s. I have definitely not just grown older to the point of denial, but grown wiser, where there is no room to deny anymore. I have learnt that for everything there is a reason and that joys and sadness will be gifted to us on an equal platter – either we take it or leave it! I prefer to take both, as a little of everything is necessary. We had so many reasons to laugh, share jokes that may not have always been humorous, but we just thought smiling made more sense. We have cried many a times over losses that are unforgettable, which is fine, because these are lives we always wished we had with us. While memories have become our chariots, we do race ahead to create new ones. We have celebrated new beginnings, new lives and learnt that the beauty in life is magical only when we open our eyes! We have worked tirelessly and have realized, retirement is going to be a dream, not in the near future, but worth aspiring for. We learn every day, as children, parents, siblings and friends that our roles will keep evolving, shaping them depends on our acceptance of life.
So in this journey, as we step towards another year, I will continue to dream, blow bubbles and keep my childlike aspirations alive. I do hope to embark on hobbies that will make my heart smile. Being a parent, wife, daughter, friend, daughter in law, sister in law and more will always have my responsibilities which I will continue to evolve in, but without losing myself! I have philosophies and beliefs that will be of pivotal importance and will continue to guide my existence. While optimism is my guardian angel, reality will always be my friend. I will make many mistakes in all my roles, but have no regrets to make them. I hope to dare professionally and believe that being cautious should be packed with some risks.
In all my learning’s, you all have been my support for which I am forever grateful. Health, fitness is an area I am yet to bond intensely with, but mile by mile, it is achievable. I hope to be less of a stranger to friends that have given me more to life than I could have asked for. Travel is my joy, and I will never be sorry for always wanting more! My kids have been remarkable teachers and my reason for the heart to rejoice, so everyday I will do what is beyond me perhaps, but aim to nurture two confident and caring individuals. My mother will always be my role model – whose support, love and guidance cannot be worded. I have been fortunate to find friendship and love in this bond of marriage. We learn from each other every day and it is remarkable how we can complement one another. I will continue to value friendships that have become family, not by blood or being relatives, but just the strength of the bond! I will continue to be protective and sometimes possessive about the people who matter, and have nothing to feel sorry about. Detachment is a guided philosophy in several religious practices, but that is definitely not my mantra - I am thankful to be attached, emotional and often sensitive!
So here’s wishing you and your families a wonderful year ahead with many reasons to rejoice, create and be thankful just like mine. May the celebration be not limited to only the first day of the year, but every second of 2016. With much gratitude and love!


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