Beginning the fabulous 10 - a decade gone by

Day 85.. ‪#‎100daysofhappiness‬ ‪#‎100happydays‬
Celebrating togetherness for 10 years.. An engagement anniversary to flag off our big 10 Arya Ganapathy. Thank you for being you!
19.11.2005 – Charmed and blushed on our first meet,
07.01.2006 – Sealed the deal with a promising glitter beat.
04.06.2006 – Vows exchanged, celebrated and I added a new name,
Ten years later, let the celebrations always be the same.
A decade has passed, a lifetime to go
Looking forward to memories that will follow!
Celebrations I love, memories to make,
January to June will be our big take.
Holding your hand, new promises to share
A family now, we are more than a pair.
Together we can, cruise this life,
Am speaking for both, when I say, it’s a joy to be husband and wife.
Engagement anniversaries are hardly spoken about,
But when its 10, you have to give it a shout.
Something meaningful, something fun to do,
I know we will make this year, heartfelt and true!


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