Coorg with love!

It's been 10 years and every summer we have our holidays planned with my in laws.. with each time more to learn, unwind, more memories and days well spent. There is charm and warmth with open conversations .. that are heartfelt and joyous.. often the best. There are definitely the occasional debates which just broaden my thought process every time. With an abundance of lush green, clear air, plenty of walks, lip smacking food, sleep indulgence, soul conversations, entertained kids with childhood treasures like tree climbing, some rustic kung fu, running games, skating, going wild with massages, ducks, dogs and cats, preview of culture and tradition, visits that keep you real and that carefully planned fun family picnic that adds to my memory book... I think I just described a fabulous vacation which we just came back from.... with perfect weather too! Hope you had as much fun as we did! While I have some weight to shed now.. it seemed a worthy gain! Tip: our picnic to...