Everything Mother's Day is about!

Everything Mother's Day is about. . With love 

Woke up this morning to so much love hugs and uncontrollable kisses by both my munchkins as they jumped and hugged to wish me on this mother's day. As i sat and held them both my mind raced a flashback to the last 8 years and ever since I smiled at what has transpired.

The news came positive on my birthday in 2007... we were all ecstatic. A baby was coming.. and a new mom was to be born in May 2008. While I enjoyed my pregnancy I had not attained any level of selflessness, though in time I had to perfect that. It was a scary thought. The day had arrived and the exhausting labor gave us a beautiful baby girl .. who everyone exclaimed didn't look like a monkey baby like most new born. I held that Lil baby thinking the toughest is over with the labour pain now comes the easy part. I looked at her long enough hoping to get an instant connection and tear down in emotion just the way the movies have shown this moment. But to my horror I had no connection. .. I was the milk machine and she was the receiver. As troubling as that sounds.. after 2 months of struggling and crying for lack of emotion.. the day arrived when she held my finger looked at my eyes and I knew there was no looking back. My heart skipped a beat and chose to shadow the baby from there on. I had become a mother..late for many but attached for life. That journey began in 2008 and got stronger as I battled a crisis to become a 2nd time mum ... this time I yearned for my baby from her first second but destiny had a different pattern and the wait was testing but worth it . Second time again... but a stronger mum this time I was prepared to have my heart running with both the angels. We have had our limitations but our love has been unending. We have seen joy, celebration, sadness, pain, anger, struggle and hope and has built each of us as rounded human beings. 

I am a friend and disciplinarian. I hold them close and probably can over protect but I also know where they need less of me. They might test me many times but motherhood has also given me the power of patience in the same note. The endless demands may exhaust me out but I also know they will never be this way again. My temper is at its peak at one moment and am in splits the next... which is possible only with their innocence, unconditional love and softness. Selflessness was not just a term anymore it was a relationship. I am a doting mom who doesn't get embarrassed to hope for me time along the way cause i know my rejuvenation will keep our relationships intact. Someone close today happened to cite an astrological trivia about how names ending with a tend to be more successful while names ending with I or any other are not as successful. While I disagree with this theory .. it is still safe to say that my mum n me both with names ending with I are definitely successful mums.. now that is a true accomplishment to share with anyone who brings such a blind theory to an educated audience.

Through all my years I had been privileged to have a best friend and mother in one person... my mom.. and now it was time I reflected on everything she perfected and learnt everyday. While routines and schedules repeat there is so much to learn everyday that I may never be an expert parent. Trust, care, share, encourage, smile endlessly, hope, dream, pray, letting go are more philosophies I learnt along the way. So as a mother I have had an enriching experience as I become a teacher and student every day. I have seen my mum unconditionally love and be our pillar of strength no matter what. She has seen the worst but not let anyone or anything dampen her hope for life and that is something I want to hold on to. She has patiently helped me through every little battle including my first brush to motherhood. She has embraced grand motherhood in the same zest, love and enthusiasm as she did with motherhood and that makes me wonder how she does that. She teaches me the glory in having madness and sanity in every relationship. We laugh, cry, share, care, hope, remember and explore. We are similar and apart and that's how we complete each other.

On this mothers day, mom I want to thank you with all my love for giving me the best learning's moments of laughter, deepest philosophies and showing me reasons to care. Your bigheartedness is such an inspiration that generosity should be a mantra everywhere. I look forward to being your shadow the way you have been mine. I can never perfect motherhood like you but I can make my own version too with some mistakes along the way. I look forward to 'our time' together and shaping new memories. The kids are lucky to have you by their side giving them lessons that I may never be able to impart in such a fun way.

As Maya Angelou quoted..'to describe my mother would be like to write about a hurricane in its perfect power or the climbing, falling of rainbow colors.'.. hence describing my perfect mum cannot be aptly worded but in gist you get the sentiment. My mum is everything I would like to be.. much luv n hugs mom on mother's day.


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