So much to love.. Valentines Day!

Day 91…#100daysofhappiness #100happydays

The best words I have read have been by her, so starting my Valentines Day post is justified if I quote her. Maya Angelou, the American Author and Poet once said, “If you have only one smile to give, give it to the people you love.”  So on this day, I smile at the ones who love friendship, innocence, care, respect and honesty. I smile at the family I am born to, married to and friends who became family. So here’s to celebrations that matter for hearts that care!

With my history of celebration, naturally Valentines Day has always been a high. From the longest time I remember celebrating and wishing mom, because my honest belief is, since it’s the day of love, then wish everyone you love! After meeting Arya, I remember our first Valentines’ was before we got married. He had sensed my ‘paw’fection being so strong that he had gifted me our loving Fawn – a heartwarming basset hound. The concerned mum and in laws smiled, cherished and supported this gesture. Her eyes had everything her heart meant. To this day, it’s been 10 years and she lives in our hearts. I know for a fact that pets were not strongly voted for at that point of time, but the love they all showed in caring for that little wonder was an assurance of my perfect Valentines Day!

Every year its celebrations galore with the fancy meals, gifts, flowers and perhaps holidays. With every passing year, definitions have changed but sentiments remain the same. Over the years I would have probably raved about the diamond ring that was gifted to me or the words of assurance that keep my spirits high everyday. But ten years later and with two kids, we probably don’t believe that loving our loved ones is dependant on one day. Inspite of this sentiment, we will still find means to create an occasion and build up to this celebration. We will have priorities that may need us to be in different locations on this particular day, but our hearts ring the same music and we dance the same tunes. It is one of the best feelings in the world, knowing that your presence and absence both mean something to someone.

So reeling in this excitement to this date, we celebrate in simplicity but with little joys, the wonderful surprises through gifts that now reflect our personality than the value of your wallet, which makes it more valuable, knowing that you are understood. The meals are perhaps not elaborate but stolen moments from the hectic routine in that new restaurant that is perhaps a few feet away from home, making it precious with conversations that are real. In my philosophy of celebrations with all, our visits to the mall have as much thrill as any other. So for me its been a wonderful Valentines Week with Arya, Mum, cousins and friends!

On this day, when everyone is out planning their romantic do, I was thrilled to be sitting in a restaurant with my kids and see tables surrounding us with fathers and kids or mums and kids and no couples looking for any quiet time. In case you wondering, this is not a Mc Donald’s or a KFC, it’s a wonderful Chinese family restaurant where the celebrations were unanimous and the theme almost seemed planned. Each table smiled at the other in understanding and no one quirked with kids playing their own games or having a mad moment with their mums or dads at the table. In all its coincidence it seemed perfect! What made it extra special was me spending the Valentines lunch with my two lovely kids, who have a little of everyone I love – and that’s what made our celebration complete – It was an almost perfect family moment!

Over the years, my family circle always seems to grow, not just by blood or relatives but by the depth of friendships. It’s known that family is not always blood. It’s the people in your life, who want you in theirs, the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what. So it’s a perfect day to wish everyone in this wonderful circle a fabulous Valentines Day and may every day be as memorable and loving as it’s meant to be on Feb 14.


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